Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gearing Up For 50/90

FAWM was a spectacular success! Space Helmet Records head Dennis Jernberg took part in this year's February Album Writing Month, and came up with a whopping 38 songs (out of 14)! Now we're looking forward to the marathon of songwriting challenges, 50 Songs in 90 Days! If we could pull off 38 songs in one month, who knows what we'll do in three!

Keep track of my progress at my 50/90 profile:

Friday, April 3, 2009

FAWM Over! Big Success!

It's already been over a month since February Album Writing Month ended, and of course it was a big success. Certainly it was a success for me: 38 songs, 24 of them recorded; 12 of the 16 candidate songs for the Sonic Disruptors' first album recorded, along with 6 acoustic solo songs (with MIDI-simulated guitar, alas) and 6 rock songs not necessarily for any Disruptors album (I could do them solo). To hear them (at least till the FAWM site rolls over in June for 50 Songs in 90 Days), go to my FAWM profile; to hear any of my or my bands' songs, go to SHR's main site, which I'll be updating soon! I'll also be updating those demos once I get my new electric guitar, since real guitars sound better!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Spectacular (?) Debut of Space Helmet Records

Greetings, music fans! I'm Dennis Jernberg, founder (and currently only member) of Space Helmet Records. Currently I record under then names the Sonic Disruptors, the Memetic Terrorists, DJ Space Helmet, and, well, my own name. You'll hear more from me soon, and I mean the music too.